Strong Policies Protect the Islands

Trust Council (the governing body of the Islands Trust) is re-writing its Trust Policy Statement (TPS). This document is critical because it regulates what bylaws and Official Community Plan provisions can be passed for individual islands.

Read the most recent draft of the rewritten Trust Policy Statement. See more information on the Trust Policy Statement Review process.

Friends of the Gulf Islands is advocating for a Policy Statement that effectively protects the natural environment and rural character of the Trust Islands, as intended by the Islands Trust Act. Below is our correspondence to the Trust. The draft TPS is being discussed by trustees in meetings called Committee of the Whole that are available to watch and listen to on Zoom. You can find these and other Trust meetings listed HERE.

You can write to the Islands Trust Council at to express your views on the draft TPS and what you hear at these meetings. See the NEWSLETTERS section of this website for the latest information on this project.