Defending the Trust Mandate
The special purpose of the Islands Trust, which directs all of its bylaws and policies (called its Mandate) is stated in the Islands Trust Act as:
“The object of the trust is to preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment for the benefit of the residents of the trust area and of British Columbia generally, in cooperation with municipalities, regional districts, improvement districts, First Nations, other persons and organizations and the government of British Columbia.”
In September of 2023, following an in camera (closed to the public) meeting, the Islands Trust released a document, reinterpreting the Mandate to “include issues such as, but not limited to, housing, livelihoods, infrastructure and tourism”.
Friends of the Gulf Islands strongly disagrees with this interpretation. We believe that the Mandate should be interpreted as it was in the 1986 report by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs that states in part, “The special amenities and environment of the Trust area derive from the combination of:
- a mild climate
- diverse and unusual natural features, vegetation and wildlife
- almost continuous tree cover and large undeveloped areas
- numerous areas of heritage or archeological significance, solitude, scenic beauty and a clean environment
- tranquil rural areas
- a range of lifestyles”
The following materials are about the importance of defending the purpose, also called its mandate, of the Islands Trust.
Letters to the Islands Trust and Replies
We urge all trustees and the Trust Council to adhere to its mandate to protect the environment of the Gulf Islands.
Download the Letter to Incoming Trustees, November 14, 2022
Letters to the Ministries and Replies
We urge the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to do its job of holding the Islands Trust to its mandate to protect the environment of the Gulf Islands. Friends of the Gulf Islands have written the following letters.
This Letter to Ministry of Municipal Affairs, December 19, 2023 was sent with the following attachments:
Friends of the Gulf Islands’ Letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, January 10, 2023
Response from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, January 25, 2023
Trust Council Statement on the Scope and Meaning of Section 3 of the Islands Trust Act (the Object Clause), September 26, 2023
The Official Report of the Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard) September 25, 1973
The Object of the Islands Trust: Renewing the Consensus, Position Paper #1, November 1986
Reply from the Ministry, March 7, 2024
Comment: Islands Trust Tries to Nullify Its Mandate by Elissa Poole