Our Constitution
The purpose of the Society is:
- to contribute to and improve the education of the general public of British Columbia, by the support for and promotion of the Islands Trust mandate, as stated in Sec. 3 of the Islands Trust Act:
“The object of the trust is to preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment for the benefit of the residents of the trust area and of British Columbia generally, in cooperation with municipalities, regional districts, improvement districts, First Nations, other persons and organizations and the government of British Columbia.”
- to encourage the sustainable use, management, and restoration, of the land, marine waters, freshwater resources, and the natural communities that represent a diversity of life within the Trust Area;
- to encourage co-operation in, support for, and research into all matters pertaining to the fulfillment of the above objectives;
- to encourage Reconciliation with First Nations and their participation in the planning, protection, preservation, restoration, and governance of their unceded lands within the Trust Area;
- to advocate for improved protection of Trust Area ecosystems.
- to do all such other things as are incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the purposes and the exercise of the powers of the Society.