Write Letters
Letters matter. Email your concerns to your island’s trustees or to the entire Trust Council.
**To make the asterisks disappear, click on an email below, and then click the small pop-up that appears.**
Islands Trust Trustees 2022-2026
To email all trustees as the Trust Council: <execadmin@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Sue Ellen Fast (Bowen) <sfast@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Judith Gedye (Bowen) <jgedye@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Sam Borthwick (Denman) <sborthwick@islandstrust.bc.ca>
David Graham (Denman) <dagraham@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Tobi Elliott (Gabriola) <telliott@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Susan Yates (Gabriola) <syates@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Ben Mabberley (Galiano) bmabberley@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Lisa Gauvreau (Galiano) <lgauvreau@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Joe Bernardo (Gambier/Keats) <jbernardo@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Kate-Louise Stamford (Gambier/Keats) <kstamford@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Alex Allen (Hornby) <aallen@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Scott Grant (Hornby) <gscott@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Tim Peterson (Lasquiti) <tpeterson@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Mikaila Lironi (Lasquiti) <mlironi@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Jeanine Dodds (Mayne) <jdodds@islandstrust.bc.ca>
David Maude (Mayne) <dmaude@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Deb Morrison (N. Pender) <dmorrison@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Aaron Campbell (N. Pender) <acampbell@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Laura Patrick (SSI) <lpatrick@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Jamie Harris (SSI) <jharris@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Mairead Boland (Saturna) <mboland@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Lee Middleton (Saturna) <lmiddleton@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Dag Falck (S. Pender) <dfalck@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Kristina Evans (S. Pender) <kevans@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Peter Luckham (Thetis) <pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca>
Ken Hunter (Thetis) <kehunter@islandstrust.bc.ca>