New Draft Islands Trust Policy Statement Revealed

The current Trust Council has begun a multi-year project to approve a new Trust Policy Statement.

The current Trust Council has begun a multi-year project to approve a new Trust Policy Statement (TPS). The TPS is the foundational document with which all Local Trust Committee and Trust Council bylaws must be consistent. More information on how the Islands Trust is structured can be found on our website under “Gulf Islands Governance Explained.”

In May, the new TPS draft was published. Your directors are analyzing it in detail. So far, it looks like this new version does not strengthen protections for the environment as we have urged. It has only “prioritized” the environment along with several other priorities, with none taking precedence. Also, most of the document gives trustees permission to do various things but there are very few actual substantive requirements.

We will send details when we have them. There will be a formal time for public comment this summer or fall. At that time, we will certainly let you know how to participate. Until then, you can check Islands 2050 on the Islands Trust website for information on this project including the Draft Policy Statement dated May 3, 2024.

We have previously written about our opposition to the Trust Council re-interpreting the Trust Mandate/Object in a closed session as we cannot know how our trustees voted.

Attached is a letter sent to the current trustees from 34 former trustees. You may also be interested in reading an article “Different Ideas About Unique Amenities In The Gulf Islands” that appeared in the Times Colonist on this issue.

The Quarterly Trust Council Meeting of trustees from all the islands will be held in person and by Zoom on Salt Spring Island at the Harbour House Hotel, June 18 to 20. A final meeting schedule and agenda will be published by June 10th and will be posted on the Islands Trust meeting page. We understand that public delegation presentations and a public comment period will occur the afternoon of Tuesday, June 18th. The deadline for delegation presentations was May 30th, but public comments do not require any prior notice to the Islands Trust and can be made in person and by Zoom. We encourage members to take this opportunity to comment directly to Trust Council on your concerns about environmental conservation issues.

Thank you for your membership or support in Friends of the Gulf Islands. Please encourage your friends and neighbours to consider a membership in our organization ($15/individual, $25/family) or they can subscribe at no cost to receive updates.

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